Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I, personally, HATE politics! Red vs Blue, Democrats vs Republicans, Godzilla vs King Kong. UGH! I have been reading some posts, about how horrible life is going to be because Obama had gotten re-elected! WHO CARES?!?! We have to stand together as a Nation and back up whomever is running it! If Romney would have been elected, we still need to stand together! We aren't the red states and the blue states, we are the United States! (yes, that was stolen for Obama, but I agree with it)

 Let's go to a question "Did you vote?"! I had read PLENTY of statuses, tweets, and overheard people saying "I don't care about either of the candidates, so I am not going to go vote" WHAT?! It's a right that we are given, whether or not you care about the person running for president, you still need to voice your right, your opinion, your choice. Yes, I voted, no I did not care about either of the men running, but I voted regardless of how I feel about them. I voted for the man who I thought would better our economy, my life, and possibly my children's lives. And those who didn't vote are the ones who are crying about Obama winning. I am sorry, if you didn't vote then don't b*&%# about the outcome. I know that out of my county, of all the ones who are registered to vote, only about 1/3 of them voted. How sad is that? 

 Every four years its the same thing, bad mouthing the other political party, friends becoming enemies, a nation splitting! I wonder what would happen if we completely got rid of the (R) and the (D) next to the names?!  Where we actually listened to the running mates instead of the color of the party they are representing! I think everyone would pay attention more to what the person is saying, instead of "well, my parents have always been Democratic/Republican, so I will just vote that way". Then after the election, reveal their party, and see how many people voted against their life long party choice. I think that would be hilarious "Look Jane, we voted Democratic this time, what the heck!"  :P Just me?! haha Thought so!

One of my Facebook friends said "Whether our president is Democrat, Republican, Mormon, Christian, Muslim, or believes in a Flying Spaghetti Monster, if you have faith, you should never have fear. America is not some scared street urchin living in poverty under an oppressive monarch. She is a battle-worn vet with scars to prove it, who treads miles through mud and blood and sweat to lead her people. She has been through worse, and she will not fail." -Luke Sims
And I agree with him. He had a whole long that I LOVED! But thought I would spare you, and if you are a friend of his, then you have already read it!

Sidenote: I know I haven't wrote in a looooooooong time, (I have been tired and busy) but I am going to try to do better. No this isn't a promise to you, but to myself, to try and write and keep myself sane during the day or the evening!

And sorry if this blog seems a little jumpy and every where at times, but that is how my thought process worked today! lol I went back several times and added or took some out and then jumped to the beginning and rewrote! lol sigh!