Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First post

I had been wanting to write a blog for a long time now, and I guess now, is a good time to start. I guess you could say that I have “jumped on the band wagon”! Seeing other people write their blogs and having some peer pressure (cough*Leah*cough) has inspired me to write one. It has taken quite a long time to come up with a name, and what to write about. Well here I am, still not too sure what to say, but here none the less! Haha

Me and Stephen

So let me start off with a little about myself. My name is Layla, yes, like the Eric Clapton song, and please don’t sing it to me, I have been sang to for most of my life. Lol I am married to my best friend. He is my rock! TODAY marks 2 years!!! YAY! We have 2 amazing children, Romi (4) and Jake (2), they are two of the craziest kids and have brought joy to our lives and there is NEVER a dull moment around the house. Luckily I am blessed to be able to stay at home with them, but I can honestly say, for my sanity, that I am dying to go out and have adult interaction and have a paying job. Lol I live in a tiny town called Sweetwater. I am ADDICTED to Pinterest, I can stay on there for hours at a time, and it usually robs me of rest in the night. I have always been the creative type, doing crafts and all that artsy-fartsy stuff. I also love to garden now; it has a calming effect on me! Yoga is also a way for me to wind down and de-stress. Hmm, Well, I guess that’s about it. Not really that much more to say.

Till next time, have a great evening everyone!  

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